My dreams are soooo exciting. I dream about things like finding the perfect blue sandwashed skinny jeans (with ankle zippers). My most scandalous dream as of late was that I dreamed I used my roommate Spencer's toothbrush by accident, and I was like "oh my god I used Spencer's toothbrush" and then I was like, "I'm just not gonna tell him." SCANDAL. INTRIGUE. People at work are like, "omg I had a dream about being the president and then I went flying in the Amazon with Antonio Banderas!!" and I'm like, "really, cause in mine I found the perfect pocket scoop-neck tee at like, Express."

Anyway last night I had a dream about black pumps. Here is my tribute in pictures.




Jessica Simpson:

1 comment:

H. Spencer Young said...

i just laced my toothbrush with LSD to prevent any actual hijacking.